Fusion IMPACT campaign is how you make a difference in the world. Our IMPACT campaign is one of the many outreach ministries of Fusion Church. Every month we support local and global Gospel-centered initiatives that are near and dear to the heart of the Gospel.
When giving to Fusion Church, you can give with confidence knowing that your contribution is partnering with a church that is bringing real change and making a difference in our hurting world.
A portion of your giving each month goes directly to the Fusion IMPACT campaign which consists of two awesome initiatives.
Monthly Local Outreach: Every month Fusion Church spearheads a local outreach initiative that supports important causes. It is our goal to mobilize the church to go out into the community and be the Hands and Feet of Jesus. Spiritual and social transformation through the spread of the gospel. Some of our Impacts have included:
What is Impact?
Hope on a Mission in Poughkeepsie
Meeting the physical and educational needs of those most at risk in society
Operation Christmas Child
Pregnancy Support Centers
Food/Coat Drives
Walter Hoving Home
Feeding the hungry
Love Our City Week & So much more!
Current Monthly Supported Ministries
Destiny Rescue
Convoy of Hope
Samuel’s House Orphanage in Venezuela
Missionary Family in Colombia
You can give today with confidence.
Free community BBQ
Get ready to make a difference!
We believe the church is God’s gift to the world and a healthy church is a serving church. We believe the church is God’s plan A for reaching the world with the Gospel and the love of Jesus. A big way we can accomplish
Global Impact Project Partners
Look at who your funding supports:
As a nonprofit humanitarian organization, Convoy works alongside communities to bring solutions to the root causes of poverty and hunger. Learn more at
Destiny Rescue exists to end child sexual exploitation and slavery. We rescue and restore underage children trapped in prostitution or sexual exploitation. Learn more at
A faith-based organization dedicated to making a positive difference in Venezuela, especially in the lives of at-risk children. Learn more at
We impact lives for Jesus
Recent Community Impact Outreaches
Love Our City
HV Love Our City Campaign is a community building and enrichment campaign. It’s an opportunity for local churches, nonprofits, and local vendors to partner together to show love, gratitude, and appreciation to the people and families in our communities. This collaborative event is an opportunity to make a real investment and difference in the lives of our community members creating a healthy community culture of honor and value. Learn more at
Annual Fall Festival
Everyone was welcomed at our annual Fall Fest. This year, we offered candy - lots of candy, Cotton candy, Pie eating contests, carnival games, bounce houses, food, face painting, arts and crafts, and a helicopter candy drop! Our Fall Fest would not have been the same without the dedication of our volunteers, the support of the Village of Fishkill, the support of the churches, and the grace of God. We are truly blessed to have such a wonderful community, and we look forward to next year's Fall Fest!

Operations Christmas Child
Every year we collect Christmas presents to send to Operations Christmas Child.

Hope on a Mission Breakfast
We served breakfast to people in need in the city of Poughkeepsie this year. Each plate served was more than a meal; it was a gesture of solidarity, a reminder that everyone deserves nourishment and care. The smiles and expressions of gratitude from those we served became the most rewarding part of our day. In these simple moments, we discovered the profound impact of coming together to support one another.

Coat Drive
We conduct a Coat Drive every year. Last year we collected many bags full of coats that were donated to Hope on a Mission in Poughkeepsie.
Angel Tree
Fusion partnered with Prison Fellowship Angel Tree to donate presents to the children of incarcerated individuals. Prison Fellowship® exists to serve all those affected by crime and incarceration and to see lives and communities restored in and out of prison—one transformed life at a time.

The food we served on Thanksgiving to the Advocate Home Care in Fishkill, an organization that provides support and advocacy for individuals with special needs, and to the Horizon Senior Housing in Beacon.

Advocate Home Care and our impact team

Advocate Home Care eating food

Our team serving thanksgiving meals

Turkey is ready!

Joyfully serving

Serving our neighboor

Thank you for letting us serve you thanksgiving meals

River Heaven Home - Teenagers in Foster Care

River Heaven Home - Teenagers in Foster Care

Teenagers in Foster Care hearing from Pastor David

River Heaven Home - Teenagers in Foster Care lining up for food

Serving breakfast to the people in need in the city of Poughkeepsie

People in need getting free clothes

A21 Walk of Freedom - A21 is an organization that fights against human trafficking

Fusion Team at the A21 Walk of Freedom

Walk of Freedom 2022

Praying with for people in the city of Poughkeepsie

Fall Fest 2022

Pie eating contest at Fall Fest 2022

Children running for candy at Fall Fest 2022

Children waiting on line to collect their candy from the helicopter