Emotionally Healthy Spiritually
We all have a story. Within that story we have suffered through grief and loss. But God is always there to help us through it. The story of Job is a story that includes both. We see his loss and sorrow through probably the most devastating time in his life. It’s okay to grieve but understand we all have limits on how much we could take. See how Job teaches us how to properly handle grief and discover how we can recognize when it has taken a toll on us with the affect on others.
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Part 1: How to be yourself | Develop a deep faith
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Part 2: How to embrace your True Self | Accept who you are
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Part 3: How to think differently | Change my beliefs
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Part 4: How to face grief | How to deal with the past
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Part 5: Your Story
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Part 6: Create Healthy Boundaries | Know Your Limits
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Part 7: How to deal with change | Change In Direction