New to Fusion
New to Fusion Church? Not sure where to start or how to plug in?
The next steps pathway will help walk you into the life of the church and more importantly a life-changing relationship with Jesus. You will notice every journey starts with a saving encounter with Jesus. Following that most important step, the following steps strategically build and walk you into taking steps toward spiritual growth and maturity and engaging the community at fusion church.
Simply look at the pathway and identify which step you are on. No matter what your current location is in your spiritual journey, just identify what step you are currently at in our next steps pathway, complete your current step, and look to the next step to see where you are headed.
Don’t be shy! We are here to help you on your journey of faith and to help you get started in the community or Fusion Church.
If you are on a spiritual journey and exploring what you believe about God, maybe you’re new to your relationship with Jesus, or maybe you’re just new to Fusion Church, then you have come to the right place. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey or are in search of a church community to call your own, our “Next Steps Pathway” will help you to navigate your journey of faith and discovery here at Fusion Church.
Next Steps Pathway
We are So Excited That You Made A Decision to become a follower of jesus.
it is okay if you are just looking for more information on become a follower.
Our team would love to guide you in the next fatih steps. Please fill out the form below and we will contact you!
Following Jesus is the most important decision you will ever consider. It is only through following Jesus that one can attain eternal life, salvation, and friendship with God. It’s only through Jesus that our sins can be forgiven and atoned for. It’s only through Jesus that we can have freedom from life addictions, habits, and life’s hang-ups. A decision to surrender your life to Jesus is the beginning of a life of freedom.
Romans 10:9 ESV Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
John 14:6 ESV Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
There is no other way to have a relationship with God outside of Jesus. There is no forgiveness for sins outside of the cross. There is no hope for this life except through His sacrifice.
The life you have always wanted is found in Jesus. The potential that is inside of you was birthed by Him. Fulfilling your purpose starts with this decision.
If you would like more information on becoming a follower of Jesus click the link below and a Pastor will connect with you.
If becoming a follower of Jesus is a decision that you have already made and your wounding what your next step is. Maybe you have asked; What’s next? The Bible shows us that when people made a decision to follow Jesus, they were water-baptized. We want to encourage you to consider baptism as your “next step” in becoming a follower of Jesus.
Baptism doesn’t make you a member of God’s family. It shows you are part of God’s family. It’s about going public with your faith. Scripture models that this is our first step of obedience– an outward expression of your inner commitment to God. Here’s an overview of what you should know before getting water baptized.
Matthew 28:19-20 ESV
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Jesus asks each of us to declare our faith in Him in this incredible and exciting way. It’s an awesome occasion and one that we can’t wait to celebrate with you. If you haven’t been baptized as an adult, now is a perfect time.
The biblical pattern was to first make a decision to follow Jesus followed by water baptism right away or shortly afterward. (Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:16, Acts 10:47-48, Romans 6:4) Most followers of Jesus in the New Testament were baptized immediately. The only requirement that we have for baptism is that you have made the decision to follow Jesus. Water baptism by immersion should take place as close to the moment you choose to become a follower of Jesus as possible. If you have never been water baptized by immersion or maybe you have as a child but never understood its significance, purpose, or value now is the time you want to consider this important faith journey decision.
The practice of baptism by immersion is taught in the Bible. All who followed Christ were baptized. They declared to the world that they had died with Christ and that they also had been raised with Him to walk in the newness of life. Water Baptism is an outward act that symbolizes an inner work of salvation. It symbolizes that our old life is buried with Christ and we rise up as new creations in Christ. We are free from the power of sin. We now have the power to say “yes” to God and “no” to sin. We are declaring that we are new creations in Christ.
If you have never been water baptized and would like to sign up for our next baptism please hit the link below. Maybe you are part of our “online campus” and would like to be water baptized Hit the link below and we will find creative ways to help you get baptized.
Growth Track is a 1 hour class that act as a vehicle to help navigate you through being a first time visitor to an integrated attender and member of Fusion Church.
Growth Track is necessary if you would like to serve/become a teammate and even become a member of Fusion Church. Growth Track classes meet at scheduled times “in-person” and “virtually” for our online campus.
This class will help you to dive into the life and community of Fusion Church. It is a platform for you to explore and meet the ministry of and answer any remaining questions you may have about Fusion Church, your faith journey, or beliefs. This class will give everyone an opportunity to go from being an attender to a member of Fusion Church. This class also places you on the pathway to service through joining us on various service teams, event teams throughout the community and here at Fusion Church. You can learn more about how to be involved and volunteer.
If you have not taken Growth Track take your next step at this exciting opportunity. Whether you are part of our “in-person campus” or our “online campus” and are interested in taking these classes. Hit the link below as we provide virtual classes at schedule times as well.
If you are interested in Growth Track or you have any questions please click the link below.
At Fusion Church we believe that if you want to grow your relationship with Jesus Christ, you need to have intentional relationships with people who have the same goal —joining a Fusion Small Group is the ideal way to do that!
During this new season, groups of 8-12 individuals will be meeting remotely through easy, user-friendly online applications to pursue spiritual growth and healthy relationships. You’ll be encouraged to live out the truths you discover in the Bible and experience care and prayer in a safe, authentic online community.
Groups have 3 main ingredients that we call the ABCs:
We take what we learn on Sunday in church and apply it to our daily lives when we meet in Groups. Think of it this way – what we discover in ROWS…we discuss in CIRCLES! Studying God’s Word, wrestling with the text, and applying it to our lives is done best in the community.
Groups are designed to be open and safe environments where you can be vulnerable. In a Group, you can both give and receive loving care and prayer for the trials of life. The Bible calls us to “love one another” and that’s what we do in Groups!
We’re all trying to find our “new normal,” however, we still want our groups to continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. While we might not be doing our normal routine of getting “out the seats and into the streets,” there are still opportunities to serve as a group. We can share stories and care concerns with our group members, and get creative in how we care remotely for our community. We can call to check in with our neighbors, and share resources. We can still stop and pray for those in need. Let’s learn together what it means to serve one another in this new time of “social distancing.”
Take your NEXT STEP today! Click below to learn more about joining a Group!
If you are part of our online campus you can join these groups too! Virtual groups will always be held to accommodate our online campus. We also encourage small groups to be birthed in your hometown. Maybe you would even like support in launching your own group. We are here to help!
For More Information and/or to sign up, click the link below
God’s Plan A to reach the world is YOU, there is no Plan B! One of the most fulfilling and significant things you can do in this world is make a difference in someone’s life through volunteering. Life change happens when individuals put aside their needs and are concerned for the needs of others. Jesus was our greatest example of servanthood when He took the time and went about His life serving others. Now we have this opportunity to change a life and this world with love through serving. Here at Fusion Church, we have multiple ways that you can get involved and start using your gifts, talents, and abilities to serve God by serving others. There is a place for everyone to find their best fit at Fusion Church In both our “in-person” and “online Campuses”. We invite you to use all of your gifts, talents, and abilities to serve God the way you were always meant to. There are many ways you can serve at Fusion:
Host Team
Fusion Kids
Early Childhood
Worship Team
AVL (Audio, Visual, Lighting)
Set-Up / Break Down
and much much more!
For those who are part of our online campus, the best way for you to become a teammate is to be part of our “church party” campaign. This campaign launches a “microsite” in your home. For the first time in 2000 years, the church is back in the home. Isn’t that exciting!
What you can do to be part of this is to host a small church
gathering in your home simply by inviting 10 or fewer family & friends to your home to enjoy Sunday service with you online.
Please let us know if you would like to host a “church party” Or maybe you have questions about hosting. Let us know by clicking the link.